
Dah osla Dothem
“Snarb Sirhc & Sjiht Kred
1102 b.c.

It’s the year 1102 b.c. when our hero Snarb Sirhc sets out on a spiritual journey to search
 for his long lost biological father.
He is accompanied by his best friend forever Sjiht Kred who wields the sword of golden brushstrokes
 and is leader of the guild of forgotten egg-shells (whose purpose is to remember, uhm…).

TKA\\\\\P will be the final destination of their dwellings where they will need to set up a new heavenly Universe,
 supported by the 60 heavy holy pillars, in order to summon the silver-haired prince of wisdom: Bonnie Billy,
 who rides the stars on a red polka-dotted fantasy horse and goes by the codename HHH (short for triple H).

With the help of HHH (short for triple H) they come up with a plan to complete their quests:
 Sjiht will use his golden brushstroke-powers to reconnect 1102 with the time before times.
Using artifacts from his heritage from the Naalhgnaztliw-era Sjiht hopes to please the sages of the days of yore to remember the, uhm….
Snarb on the other hand, will point his fingers and visions towards the future; to establish a bridge to the year 20,0111.
Using piles of his drawing-pile he makes a mountain on which he lays his head to create an angle in which he barely can see his father.”

Light, architecture and the broadest range of the thought-spectrum will be used to reach for

This could result in

Dah osla Dothem

a placespace in space & time & TKA\\\\\P


Deze video is gemaakt voor de workshop / lezing middag in P/////akt,
 alwaar een groep van voornamelijk architecten op zoek gingen naar de McGuffin in hun werk.


Samen met Derk Thijs
in P/////akt
Metropolis M zei